What You Don’t Know About Electric Bicycles CAN KILL YOU in Denver CO!

What You Don't Know About Electric Bicycles CAN KILL YOU In Denver CO!

Rule #1: Ride Straight

Be sure to “hold your line” when riding. Ride predictably. If other cyclists and drivers have to pass you, don’t cut them off! They expect you to go straight unless you signal otherwise. Contact our Denver CO today to learn more.

Rule #2: Pay Attention

25 mph is slow for automobiles but on a bicycle it’s “screaming fast”. If you hit a pothole or put your front wheel in a storm grate, you’ll land on your face! Ride like anything can happen. Pebbles on the road, oil, cracks, bumps, etc. require you to react quickly to avoid crashing.

Rule #3: Signal

Be courteous, let others know you’re turning, or stopping. Learn the hand signals and always use them. Don’t cut off cyclists or knock them down. Play nice! Let everyone know where you’re going so they don’t hit you!

Rule #4: Stay To The Right In Denver CO

As a cyclist, you’re not expected to keep up with traffic. Stay on the right to let people pass you. Don’t hog an entire lane, drivers will NOT appreciate it.

Rule #5: Ride Single File

If you’re with other cyclists, ride single file. Let cars pass you and live longer!

Rule #6: Wear A Helmet & Tighten Its Straps

You can injure the brain (cause a concussion) by hitting your head. A concussion can take months to heal. In many instances, brain damage is permanent. Wearing a helmet may be inconvenient but comas are worse. Wear a helmet!

Rule #7: Smile

You’re involved in a social sport. Make eye contact, smile, and have fun! Communicate with other riders. They can help you stay safe.


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10:00am - 12:00pm
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2:00pm - 6:00pm

10:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm


Care Chiropractic
1411 Krameria Street
Denver, CO 80220
(303) 394-2273