Beauty Secrets in Denver CO
Beauty Secrets in Denver CO
I met a plastic surgeon who claimed to freeze and remove fat cells with a $100,000 machine, on any part of the body, with very few side effects. He said if I had the emails and the right patient base, I could earn $6,000 on a typical session on each patient. My wife Stacey said “it doesn’t work”, but he of course was very enthused.
I found it revealing that he and his family looked flabby and lacked tone. I thought, all of them could benefit from a lot more exercise and less crappy food.
His wife’s lips looked like the Jokers’ in Batman movies. She looked clownish. Stacey felt she had “too much work done.” Before I met her husband I was going to ask, “Who did that to you?” After I met him, I realized what had happened. My wife was right.
Being and staying healthy is always an “inside job”. Having treatments applied to you comes with side effects and never creates real health. When someone is beautiful or handsome, you can bet their beauty secrets include exercise, lots of water and fresh vegetables, etc. There is no “easy way”.
Posture and how we move, creates an image for others. It’s no secret that the biggest stars in sports and entertainment get “the tic”, chi-ro-prac-tic. We’ve even had the honor of serving some of them at our center.
Here’s a list of people who receive chiropractic you may have heard of; Jose Conseco, Wade Boggs, Mark McGwire, John Smolz, Roberto Clemente, Jeff Reardon, Michael Jordan, Charles Barkley, Scottie Pippin, Evander Holyfield, Joe Montana, Emmit Smith, Atlanta Falcons, San Francisco 49ers, Detroit Lions, Denver Broncos, Dallas Cowboys, Olga Korbut, Detroit Redwings, Wayne Gretzky, Brett Hull, Dan O’Brien, Joe Greene, Bruce Jenner, Edwin Moses, Suzy Chaffee, Mary Decker, and many more.

Dr. Visentin with actress and model Morgan Weaver
I can’t guarantee you’ll “look like a star” but you will reach your potential with chiropractic. If you want to look and feel better give my center a call. Mention this article and the exam is on me, (x-rays and adjustments are not included). Insurance pays for our care in most instances. Call (303) 394-2273.
Steven Visentin
Denver Chiropractor
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For Qualified Patients Only
10:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
10:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
10:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
Care Chiropractic
1411 Krameria Street
Denver, CO 80220
(303) 394-2273